When it comes to exercise, the best time of day to get into a workout  is when you can do the 

 move consistently. Everyone is different. The “right” time depends on factors like your preferences, lifestyle, and body. 

 Although there is no single answer, morning exercise has several benefits. Let’s explore the potential benefits of  early exercise with .

 Benefits  If you are about to start your morning exercise routine, consider the following benefits. 

 1. Less distracted 

 Morning exercise usually means less distraction. When you first wake up, you haven’t started tackling your to-do list for the day. You are also less likely to receive phone calls, texts, s, and emails.

 With fewer distractions, you’ll be more likely to keep practicing. 

 2. Beat the heat 

 In the summer, it’s more comfortable to exercise in the morning, as the hottest time of the day 

 is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.M. Outdoor exercise should be avoided during this time. 

 If you like outdoor activities, it is best to exercise early in the  morning, especially on very hot 


 3. Make healthier food choices 

 Exercising early in the morning can help you have a healthier day.

 In a 2018 study published in the International Journal of Obesity, 2,680 students at 

 university completed a 15-week exercise program. Each week consists of three 30-minute sessions of cardio exercises. Students are not required to change their eating habits. However, the participants made healthier food choices, such as eating less red meat and fried foods. 

 Although the study did not examine the best time of day to exercise, the results show how exercise can  inspire healthy eating. Working out early can encourage you to make healthier choices throughout  the day. 

 4. Boosts alertness 

 Morning exercise may be  better suited to hormonal fluctuations in your body. 

 Cortisol is a hormone that keeps you awake and alert. It’s often called the stress hormone, but it  only causes problems when there’s too much or too little of it.

 Normally, cortisol increases in the morning and decreases in the evening. It peaks around 8: . If you have a healthy circadian rhythm, your body may be more willing to exercise around this time. 

 5 .More Overall Energy 

 Regular exercise is great for boosting energy and reducing fatigue. When you exercise, oxygen  and nutrients go to your heart and lungs. It improves your cardiovascular system, endurance,  and general endurance. 

 By exercising early, you can feel more energetic throughout the day. Better focus Physical activity also improves focus and attention, no matter what time of day you do it. But if you find it difficult to concentrate during the day, morning exercise may be the solution. A 2019 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that the morning exercise improved attention, visual learning and decision making. In the study, participants did a series of 8 hours of sitting throughout the day with and without 30-minute morning walks on the treadmill. On some days, they also walk for 3 minutes every 30 minutes. days of morning exercise was associated with better cognition throughout the day, especially when combined with regular rest.

 6. Better mood Physical activity is a natural remedy against stress. During exercise, your brain produces more endorphins, the “pleasant” neurotransmitters behind joggers’ feelings of euphoria. It also helps divert attention from anxious thoughts. Morning exercise is a great way to start a positive day. You’ll also have a sense of accomplishment, giving you an upbeat outlook for the day. 

7. Supports weight loss

 According to a small 2015 study published in EbioMedicine, early exercise may be the best way to lose weight. IN the study, 10 young adults exercised morning, afternoon, and evening in separate sessions. Researchers found that 24-hour fat burning was highest when they exercised in the morning before breakfast. If you’re looking to lose weight, morning exercise can help.

 8. Appetite control

 In general, exercise helps regulate your appetite by reducing the hunger hormone, ghrelin.It also increases satiety hormones, such as YY peptide and glucagon-like peptide-1. However, morning exercise may have more control over your appetite. In a 2012 study published in the journal Medicine &; Science in Sports &; Exercise, 35, women walked on a treadmill for 45 minutes in the morning. Next, the researchers measured the brain waves of women as they viewed pictures of flowers  and food. One week later, the process was repeated without morning exercise.The researchers found that the brains of women responded more strongly to images of food when they didn’t exercise in the morning. This suggests that morning exercise can improve the way your brain responds to food cues. 

9. Increase Overall Activity

 The benefits of working out early don’t end in the morning. According to the same 2012 study in the journal Medicine &; Science in Sports &; Exercise, morning exercise was associated with more than movements during the day. After walking for 45 minutes in the morning, the participants showed a increase in physical activity over the next 24 hours. If you’re trying to live a more active life, morning exercise can making.

General Knowledge Health

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