When you got married, you knew  you wanted to spend the rest of your life with your best friend. Did you know it’s the right decision for your heart, but did you know it’s also the best decision you can make for your physical and mental health? 

As a couple, we thrive on connection, communication and love. Not only do these things deepen our marriages and improve our relationships, but the health benefits are amazing. 

Are your relationships strengthening you  or could they use some refinement?Check out five amazing benefits for love and marriage health, as well as our marriage tips to improve your relationship. 

Health benefits of love and marriage  

1. Reduce stress and anxiety 

Stress has many negative effects, including low energy, insomnia, loss of libido, difficulty resting, mental retardation, depression, anxiety, and anger. 

The good news is that research shows that oxytocin, which is released during intimate activities like holding hands or making love, reduces stress. This is supported by research from Carnegie Mellon University.They found that couples who reported being happily married had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who had been single or divorced. 

Couples feel less stressed and happier when they spend time together. This is true whether it’s a couple’s night in or  doing the dishes together. 

2. Encourage better self-care 

When you know that your partner loves and respects you, you will be able to take better care of yourself.People in romantic relationships tend to stick to their diet and exercise routines and try to make time for self-love. 

Your caregiver may encourage you to go to the doctor. Studies have shown that people  in romantic relationships are more likely to detect melanoma earlier than  single people. This is because their partners may find suspicious signs on their bodies. The same is true of serious diseases such as leukemia and Cushing’s disease. 

3. good mental health 

As mentioned above, oxytocin has many unique properties. One is the opportunity to increase trust between partners. This will help you  relax and de-stress. 

Love also ensures that you have a strong support system to deal with any mental health issues you may face. 

You will definitely be happy when your partner respects you and treats you well.When you feel feelings for your partner, your body releases a feel-good chemical called dopamine. This often affects the reward center of the brain. 

These positive emotions strengthen your personality and make you feel loved and accepted.

4. Improve physical health 

Falling in love can do wonders for your health. Studies have shown that oxytocin and vasopressin promote social bonding and wound healing. During the study, the couple received small puncture wounds to monitor the healing process. 

The results showed that people with higher levels of oxytocin had better communication behaviors and recovered faster than those with lower levels of oxytocin.Studies show that marriage helps you live longer. According to a 2011 study from the University of Rochester, “happily married couples who were cut short by a gunshot wound are more than three times more likely to survive.” 15 years later than single people. 

5. Love is a natural pain reliever 

Love is less painful than being single. In fact, a CDC study that followed 127,000 adults found that married couples were less likely to experience  back pain and headaches. Another interesting study found that women  under the threat of electric shocks had a lower stress response when  their husbands held their hands.


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